Step 1: Visit the website and select the product you want to buy
Step 2: Click Buy Now or Order Now at Website
Step 3: Fill in all information
– Full name
– Select product name
– Select the quantity you want to order
– Fill in the delivery phone number
– Fill in the delivery address information
– Additional notes if any
Step 4: Click on “Buy Now”
Step 5: Payment method
Pay on receipt (Ship COD): is a form of delivery to the place and then collect money. You can hold the goods and check the quality, then pay for the goods.
– After placing an order and being confirmed by us, your order will be packed and shipped, all orders are free shipping and arrive in 2-4 days, our delivery department I work both Saturday and Sunday
– When you receive the goods, you can check your goods and pay the delivery staff corresponding to the amount ordered.
Step 6: A successful order notification page will appear. Please wait for the staff to call to confirm the order before shipping to you.